Author Rene Krejci

Photo courtesy of RCK Weddings & Design LLC
I attended a wedding awhile back as a guest. I had a card to give with cash in it. I went over to the gift table to put my card somewhere and I noticed there was no card box or basket to put the card inside of. I thought to myself ‘How can they keep track of all the cards without a card box?’ Months went by and we never received a thank you for the monetary gift. Could it be that the couple just over looked it and didn’t realize that they had not sent a thank you? Could it be that they just lost the card and didn’t even know we gave them a card with cash in it? Or could it be that maybe they just didn’t have proper etiquette to even send a thank you.
Well, we’ll never know what really happened, but I can tell you that having a card box to secure your cards with monetary values in them is very important. A box with some sort of enclosure is very important so that thieves don’t have easy access to taking your cards.
Maybe you’re thinking, ‘Do people actually steal money from weddings?’ The answer is YES, YES they do. As a wedding coordinator I have never had it happen to one of my brides, but it happened to a relative of mine. When I coordinate a wedding, I have one of my assistants assigned to the gift table at all times. The assistant monitors the table and watches for suspicious behavior.
There are many types of card boxes out there. You can make your own or you can buy them. They come in all shapes and sizes. They can be made out of just about anything that fits you and your style of your wedding.
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Photo courtesy of RCK Weddings & Design LLC
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Author Renee Krejci is a wedding planner and owner of RCK Weddings & Design, LLC. She has been planning, designing and coordinating weddings and events for 14 years. She is a wife and mother of 2 living in Virginia. Renee was a DIY bride and loves giving tips and ideas to aid the DIY bride.