DIY Wedding Day Survival Kit


Author Rene Krejci

On your wedding day you want to look your best and feel your best. Sometimes, while trying to stay looking good, we spill on our gown, we rip our gown etc. On your wedding day you should have some very important items that can help with some of the things that could happen.

On my wedding day I had these items on hand just in case. My friends and I together came up with what could help us in some situations. Here are the items we had on hand;

wedding day survival kit

wedding day survival kit


  1. You’ll need to put your supplies in something – You can use a anything easy to tote around in, but I use a clear plastic bin like this because I can see through it and in it and also it holds a lot of stuff. You’ll also want some plastic bags and smaller bins to fit neatly inside in an organized manner.
plastic container

plastic container

  1. Mini Sewing Kit – You want to have a mini sewing kit with needle and thread to sew up and hole or snag that may need mending. Make sure you have the color of your dress and color of bridesmaids’ dresses.
Complete Compact Emergency Travel Sewing Kit with Case

Complete Compact Emergency Travel Sewing Kit

  1. Stain Remover Pen or Stain remover wipes – these can help avoid a stain setting in and it can take the stain away immediately if caught quickly.



  1. Clear nail polish – for the snags that may happen in your panty hose. If you’re getting married on a hot day, don’t wear any panty hose, and then you won’t have to worry about any snags, lol. Clear nail polish also helps for snags in your dress or bridesmaid’s dress.
  2. Feminine Products – This is a no brainer. As women we have to be prepared for the unwanted monthly visitor.
  3. Nail Polish Remover
  4. Nail File – so you can smooth out a nail so it doesn’t snag your dress or anything else.
  5. Floss – to get anything out of your teeth that you wouldn’t want seen by anyone.
  6. Breath Mints – for obvious reasons, lol. You don’t want stinky breath when saying “I do”
  7. Lint Roller – You just don’t want anything sticking to you that shouldn’t
  8. Hair Spray – for touching up your hair that you just spent money on to make it beautiful.
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  10. Tissues – for those tears that may try to come out.
  11. Baby wipes or any kind of wipes.
  12. Deodorant – just in case – you might need to re apply
  13. Baby Powder – to help you avoid chaffing
  14. Travel med kit – for anything to treat any minor medical emergency. In it, it should have ointment, bandages, med tape, med scissors, Tylenol/aspirin, gauze etc.


  1. Hair Brush with mirror – to fix any hair issues
  2. Bobby Pins – to help fix any hair issues
  3. Hair Ties – to help fix any hair issues
  4. Cotton Swabs – lots of uses
  5. Safety pins – to help mend things that may not be able to be sewn
  6. Scissors – to cut strays of string and for many other uses
  7. Pepto Bismol – for the upset stomach
  8. Scotch Tape – you never know you may just need it.
  9. Black Marker – can come in handy when needing to label something
  10. Crazy glue – things can break and crazy glue can fix a lot of broken things, lol.
  11. Eye drops – to help ease red/dry eyes/irritated eyes
  12. Water – to keep from dehydrating, and water doesn’t stain if it spills.
  13. Non messy/non greasy snacks like a granola bar or cereal bar of some sort. This is just to tide you over. At my wedding we had 2 groomsmen faint because 1 – they didn’t eat anything before the ceremony and 2 – one of them had their tie tied too tight. My wedding day was a hot day.
  14. Here is a wedding day survival kit checklist – You can find these lists on lots of sites. I got this one from Bridal Musings.




Most of the items on this list that I’ve listed, I have used at the weddings I have coordinated and planned. They are practical items that can help in many situations. Every wedding is different of course, but a lot of similar situations happen and if you research these kits, a lot of the lists contain the same items. Take it from people with experience. These items can really save the day. Be prepared for anything and enjoy everything.

Do you have any ideas to  to share? Let us know in your comments.

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 Author Renee Krejci is a wedding planner and owner of RCK Weddings & Design, LLC.  She has been planning, designing and coordinating weddings and events for 14 years. She is a wife and mother of 2 living in Virginia. Renee was a DIY bride and loves giving tips and ideas to aid the DIY bride.