We have a HOT Black Friday Deal for you.The PDF version of the ebook
“Dream Wedding on a Dime” is Free, as a Black Friday deal, through December 1st at http://MyOnlineWeddingHelp.com/ebook . After that it will be $4.99
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Below is an excerpt from the book
If you want substantial-looking wedding invitations but are worried about the high cost of ordering traditional engraved invitations—or think your choices are severely limited—you needn’t fret. Unlike the days of old when all printed pieces were ordered in a pricey matched set through the local printer or bridal salon, today’s bride has a wide range of choices, including personalizing and assembling their invitations. Whether you use your own artwork, print them at home, or simply customize an online design, here are some ideas for getting invitations for less:
1. Order custom invitations online. There are online options for very nice-looking invitations at a low cost. They are less expensive, the opportunities for personalization are greater, and the choices are abundant. See Invitations.MyOnlineWeddingHelp.com/cheap-invites.htm for hundreds of inexpensive designs.
2. Buy blank, printable invitations you can run through your home printer. There are also full kits with more components.
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4. Send eInvites. As technology progresses, so do delivery methods. Some are choosing to email their wedding invitations, either on their own or with the help of a service. From an etiquette standpoint, this is becoming more acceptable (although there are those who disagree). The benefits are obvious—lower cost and no postage—but there are significant downsides as well. Some people do not have email or do not check their inboxes regularly. There is also the danger of emails getting caught in spam filters, being overlooked, or failing to arrive at all. The potential for unintentionally hurt feelings is high.
The files you order digitally can also be used to send as an email invite.
5. Create and your invitations from scratch. We live in a time when, if you have the talent and know-how, you are able to make your own invitations instead of ordering them. Depending on your preferences and skills, you may want to create scrapbook-like styles or make your own design in a graphics art program and print them from home. The choice is yours.
Whichever route you decide, rest assured you can have affordable invitations that both reflect your style and fit your budget.
This post is based on an excerpt from the Dream Wedding on a Dime; 7 Secrets for the Budget-Savvy Bride ebook by Bobette Kyle. Go to http://MyOnlineWeddingHelp.com/ebook for more information.